Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Michigan, New Mexico, Thailand...oh my!

Well if I ever learn to stop running maybe I will stop this silly gallivanting around the globe. But I think that will not happen anytime soon. The blue skies call me. I need the wind at my back and the sun on my face. And I need to see and hear and experience everything. I will not promise to dutifully report back here. But will make a valiant attempt. I do want to share what I see. If you would care to see it, that is.

So on to Michigan in a few days for my brother’s masquerade wedding and a reconnection.

The Munson clan. I do believe they hail from Scandinavia and descend from Viking stock. Perhaps that explains the salt water in my blood and the restlessness in my soul. Perchance I may find a sympathetic spirit in my connecting. A long lost uncle with treasure to share. Well, we’ll see.

1 comment:

  1. There are remote spots in New Mexico that I always stop at to appreciate......the same wind the natives did so many years ago. Centering.

    Have a great trip!
