Thursday, October 20, 2011

On the Road Again and Tossing Things

“Here I am, on the road again . . .” Funny what you hear on the radio when you walk into an airport. Well, here I am after getting up at 3am, walking a couple miles somewhere between 4am and 5am in a crazy Halloween wind, and then repacking the suitcase I so carefully packed last night. I am headed to my brother’s wedding and I am required--well, not required but requested--to come in costume.

I purchased an elegant sequined mask and laid out elegant clothes to match but then bleck, bleck, blecked over the shoes I would be required to wear-—well not required, but you know. Anyway, I really am flip flops. There just isn’t any way around it. So I scavenged my closet somewhere between 5am and 6am and came out brimming with hippie clothes. Yey for hippy clothes! Then of course I was so inspired that I tossed everything formal and replaced it with hippy green and willow brown and a leafy sweater and--well, not quite flip flops, but close. Anyway, I feel much better . . .


  1. have fun connecting and reconnecting with your roots...

  2. Ya know, I can just see you in those hippy green and willow brown especially after seeing your 3rd grade profile picture. Love you Laura!
